About us

The core mission of Associazione Italiana Studi Tolkieniani (Italian Association for Tolkien Studies – Tolkien Society of Italy) is to promote Tolkien’s works and to study their impact on contemporary literature and culture from different points of view: literary, linguistic, theological, philosophical, etc. We look forward to giving the serious Italian scholars in Tolkien’s works a new opportunity: a frame of quality, a collective brand that can guarantee a high level of competence and an intellectual honesty, being at the same time a debating context and a point of reference for everyone – especially young people – wanting to study Tolkien’s opus.

The second target of the Association is to connect with the academical context and the international debate on Tolkien, by interacting with the most active and prolific essayists in the Tolkien studies panorama. The Association is not interested in an “Italian way to Tolkien”, but in an Italian contribution to Tolkien studies. The recent publications by Walking Tree Publishers (“The Broken Scythe” and “Tolkien and Philosophy”) is apt to illustrate this attitude.

Finally, the Association wants to investigate the various forms of transmedial storytelling in which Tolkien’s narrative is translated and carried on.

For more information, send us an e-mail.

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2 Comments to “About us”

  1. Hello! I have been very fortunate to add a copy of your 2015 calendar to my collection. You can view its entry on the homepage of my website (address above) and in the “2015” and “Italy” sections of the website. Could you tell me how many of these were printed? I use that number to assign a “Rarity” value to it. Thank you!


    • redazione ha detto:

      Hello, Phil!
      There were two impressions of our calendar: the first impression consisted of 50 copies, the reprint of 20 copies. Reprints are different, because the back cover is upside down. Your copy, as shown on your site, is a first printing.

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